A Deal Equipment, Inc.
812-968-5230 "We Make Deals Every Day!" 812-968-5230
We Buy and Sell used Manual Lathes, Manual Mills, Band Saws, CNC Lathes, CNC Mills, Surface Grinders, Forklifts, Welders, Air Compressors, Iron Workers Tools, Brakes, Metal Shears, Forklift Forks, Forklift Battery Chargers, Greenlee Pipe Benders, Ridgid Threaders, Hoists, Parts Cleaners, Drill Presses, Plasma Cutters and a whole lot more.
Here's just a small list of the many brand names we buy and sell:
Acer automatic mill lathe surface grinder
Acra automatic mill lathe surface grinder
Amada automatic horizontal vertical bandsaw
Anilam cnc manual mill lathe
Bridgeport cnc manual mill lathe
Brown & Sharpe cmm grinder lathe mill
Chevalier surface grinder
Clausing Colchester cnc manual lathe
Cincinnati lathe mill
Cincinnati Milcron cnc mill lathe
Comet manual mill
Coffing hoists
Denford cnc lathes mill
DoAll automatic horizontal vertical bandsaw grinders manual mill lathe
Emco cnc lathes mill
Geka ironworker
Gidding & Lewis manual mills horizontal vertical
Haas cnc manual lathe mill
Harig surface grinder
Harrison cnc manual lathe
Hem automatic horizontal vertical bandsaw
Hitachi Seiki cnc lathe
Jet manual lathes band saw
Kalamazoo horizontal vertical band saw
Mazak cnc lathes cnc mills
Marvel automatic horizontal vertical bandsaw
Millport manual lathe mill
Moore jig borer grinder
Miller welder tig mig plasma stick
Okamoto surface grinder
Okuma cnc mill lathe
Peerless automatic horizontal vertical bandsaw
Pexto shear punch
Quincy air compressor dryer
Reid surface grinderRockland manual lathe
Roll-in horizontal vertical bandsaw
Romi cnc manual lathes
Scotchman ironworker
Startrite automatic horizontal vertical bandsaw
Summit manual lathe
Sunnen hone horizontal vertical
Tarnow manual lathe
Tennsmith metal brake shear
Thompson surface grinder
Tree cnc mill
Toolmex manual lathe
Tug manual lathe
Willis-Bergo radial arm drill press
Wysong shear